Hey, Yes, i'm back... And i bring "Change" whit me, and very news...
Estive muito tempo parada, mas que significa isso? Nada, pois é... Sim é verdade, muita coisa aconteceu e eu não vos vou conseguir dizer tudo porque nem eu mesma sei tudo. Estas férias foram maiores do que esperava, mas nem por isso desisto de escrever para vocês queridas/os Direcioners...
O tempo passou e muito aconteceu, mas a partir de hoje, irei voltar a ser mais activa, não prometo todos os dias, mas sempre que possa e no mínimo uma vez por semana.
Para já iremos continuar com o esquema da "Semana" mas em breve mudará, a proxima semana, que iniciar-se-á Domingo dia 8 de Setembro, irá ser "Semana Novidade". Esta semana, será muito simples, vou apenas escrever as novidades que tem acontecido durante estes últimos meses que estive fora, e se tomarem atenção repararão que existirá mudanças no blog em si. (: Espero que gostem, e que continuem a seguir o Blog Bisous.
I've been a long time still, but does that mean? Nothing, it is ... Yes it is true, a lot has happened and I do not mean you'll get all because even I do not know everything. These holidays were larger than expected, but not so quit writing for you dear / the Direcioners ...
Time passed and a lot has happened, but as of today, I will go back to being more active, I promise not every day, but whenever we can, and at least once a week.
For now we will continue with the scheme of the "Week" but will soon change, the next week, which will begin Sunday September 8, will be "New Week". This week will be very simple, I'll just write the news that has happened over the past few months I've been away, and take care that there will mend changes in the blog itself. (: Hope you enjoy, and continue to follow Bisous Blog.
Time passed and a lot has happened, but as of today, I will go back to being more active, I promise not every day, but whenever we can, and at least once a week.
For now we will continue with the scheme of the "Week" but will soon change, the next week, which will begin Sunday September 8, will be "New Week". This week will be very simple, I'll just write the news that has happened over the past few months I've been away, and take care that there will mend changes in the blog itself. (: Hope you enjoy, and continue to follow Bisous Blog.
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